How to reduce vehicle accidents
vehicle accidents |
1) Driver's license and permit should be used only.
2 Drivers, passengers, general public should be fully aware of the traffic rules and fully comply.
3) The road belt should be of good quality and the traffic signs should be clear.
Drivers, passengers, and the general public should not use alcohol or smoke during the journey.
20. The means of transport should be checked from time to time.
6 Long-distance vehicles, night vehicles, should be driven by two drivers.
7 Roads should be wide, quality, blacktop only.
8 When crossing the road, getting out of the car, getting up, sitting, you have to be careful.
2 Do not sit in the car, sit on the roof and stand at the door. That should not be done.
You should not cross the road from 100 different places. When crossing the road and vehicle, just cross the road by looking left and right, front and back
Should do
11) Never drive a car at high speed and drive three cars in a hurry, to show off to others, and to compete.
Don't laugh at speed.
12 Do not carry more passengers and luggage in the vehicle than Dhamta.
13 Cargo vehicles should not carry more than their capacity.
14 When driving, never drive in the name of power, in the name of power, or in anger.
15) During the journey, no one should talk to the driver a lot, such as abusing.
16) The driver should also let the passenger sit, sit, joke, talk, fall asleep, fall asleep, to his detriment.
Do not use drugs such as beating or flirting with a girl.
17 The driver must present himself as a skilled driver.
18. The government, businessmen and the general public should be in favor of the new law on transportation. A law that benefits everyone
Should be brought
(19) Night vehicles, long distance vehicles should have two skilled drivers. Such arrangements are made by the businessmen, the government and the drivers themselves
Initiatives should be taken for law and order.
20) Driving at high speed, declining road level, incompetent driver, alcohol consumption are found to cause more accidents in Nepal.
Everyone should be careful to remove it. You should not do such things in the coming days. It should be stopped immediately.
Using the old vehicle for other purposes without using it in the means of transport by making it the standard of transportation
Should do Also, only new vehicles should be used.
22 Vehicles that are more smelly, smelly, more prone to accidents should be managed in time.
23 During the journey, no one should do things like dancing, dancing, quarreling, arguing in the name of fun.
There should be traffic police in 20 places and traffic rules boards and signs. As well as radio, television,
Public awareness materials should be broadcast from newspapers and magazines.
The government should be proactive about transportation. In addition to reducing road accidents, the government, political parties,
Civil society, transport businessmen, the general public should all be united.
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