The secret of having stones in kitny

 The secret of having stones in kitny

stones in kitny

 Kidney stones afflict millions of people worldwide each year.  It happened suddenly

 Causes unbearable pain.  In case the real cause of stone formation in Migula is not found

 Scientists at the University of Washington's School of Medicine have found that some people develop kidney stones

 They have tried to find out the secret of the danger.  They have also had success in this.

 Find out the potential for new effective kidney stones and kidney stones

 The door is open to develop testing methods.  Senior Professor of Medicine Dr.  Jiang Hui Hule

 "Some people have kidney stones and Anna," he said

 We now have almost complete knowledge of how to protect people from it, based on this information

 We can think of a cure. ”European molecular research on hookah research in mice

 It is mentioned in the Journal of Biology Organization.  Kidney function in humans and mice

 Because of the similarity, scientists have discovered the real cause of migraine in patients based on new research

 Will know.

 If the urine is very thick, they will become crystals of minerals including calcium

 The incidence of stone formation in Migula due to stickiness is high.  Diet plays a role in this.  Less water

 Drinking and eating too much salt also increases the chances of kidney stones.  Salt bound with calcium

 Lives  But Jin is also partly to blame.  Cloudin-14 is a normal gene

 Genetic differences are thought to be the cause of migraine stones.  This difference between Jin and Migoula

 According to research, the relationship between the stones occurs in about 56 percent of cases.

 Generally, the claudin-14 gene is not activated in Migoula.  JARNA did something to the district

 When it calms down, minerals including calcium and magnesium pass through the filter of Migoula

 Do  But if you do not drink enough water after eating a diet high in calcium or salt

 Claudin-14 which loses its grip.  Due to this, the activation of gin and salicum is one

 Don't let it go in the blood.  In this way, calcium goes into the urine.  The amount of salsium in the urine

 Scientists and physicians also know that kidney stones form in the bladder Have given.

Measures to avoid stones

 1) Eat less milk.

 2) Do not eat cashews, raisins.

 3) Drink plenty of clean water.

 4) Do not eat greasy, sour, sour, sour.

 5) Eat clean, neat, balanced food.

 6) Eat less spicy food and betel nut, tomato.

 7) If you don't have to eat meat at all, eat very little.

 8) Eat less salt and sugar and drink less tea and coffee.
